Below are some of the frequently asked questions asked by the parents. If you didn’t find the answer to your question here, you may contact us using our Contact Form

A fraction of the time compared with transporting your child to and from a tutor or tuition centre. You will be required to register online as the parent or guardian, which is a one-off. Thereafter, you will decide whether to sign your child in on a daily basis or delegate to your child. It is recommended that the parent/guardian sit with their child for the first couple of exercise days so they can get used to the format. Apart from the above, any further time you wish to spend will be solely at your own discretion.

Yes. You are able to register, access our free demo and one-month free practice tests. There is no obligation on you to purchase any of our packages.

No. The programme has been developed at three levels: Easy; Medium; and Hard. The programme caters for all year 4 and year 5 children wanting to improve their Mathematics and English (includes Applied Verbal Reasoning) skills. The practice tests and mock exams are designed to develop the child to the level that they attain confidence in taking any 11+ exam.

The programme is made up of daily practice tests of between 20-30 minutes duration. The Full Mock Exams will be set at 60 minutes each for Maths and English (weeks 29-52).

The tests taken will be recorded in the child’s history log and not repeated at any future date. However, similar questions will appear where the child has not answered certain questions correctly.

The system will keep hold of 2 months worth of previous tests on a rolling basis for any given time period. Therefore, the child has opportunity to catch up and complete missed tests either as an addition to weekdays or at weekends.

Not a problem. Remember the programme has been developed for children of varying abilities. Your options are to keep going as practice makes perfect and timing (all children regardless of how long they take will be allowed by the programme to complete the tests, regardless of time) will naturally improve.

Simple. You will have a weekly report made available in your account. This will be available in your dashboard every Monday showing your child’s previous week’s scores.

Refer to previous historical tests (previous questions answered incorrectly) and study detailed answers where available; Review and understand revision guide. There will also be ample opportunity to undertake similar test questions, found difficult, in future tests. This will provide opportunities to improve performance in specific types of questions.

Please refer to the section named ‘Why us’ for the merits of an online programme versus a personal tutor/centre.

Options available are:

  • Drop down a level or two and build up skill and confidence for the harder level at a later date. Remember the programme is designed for varying ability levels and not just those aspiring to take the 11+ Exam;
  • Read the revision guide thoroughly and attempt level 1 questions and proceed to level 2 questions when ready. Review historical tests (previous incorrect answers) and detailed answers to increase understanding.

There are three levels of difficulty available:

  • Easy – This level contains the highest number of level 1 questions and developed for year 4 children. There are a few level 2 and even fewer level 3-type questions for year 4.
  • Medium – The proportion of level 1, level 2 and level 3 questions have been adjusted to make this level suitable for year 5 students. This level is primary aimed at year 5 students wanting to improve their performance levels and not necessarily for the purpose of sitting the 11+ Exam.
  • Hard – This level contains the balance of level 1, level 2 and level 3 questions, in a similar ratio to past CSSE papers, in our opinion. The level is aimed at year 5 students who want to prepare for the 11+ Exam. This level also contains 12 Full Mock Exams for those aspiring to take the 11+ Exam, and these Exams will be strictly timed at 60 minutes.

You may decide to leave the programme, which would be unfortunate. There will be no penalty fees to be paid, as you will be purchasing tests on a rolling monthly basis. There will be no part refund available for incomplete months and we ask that you provide us with one month’s notice period so that we may complete administration arrangements.

The Mock exams will be undertaken online and will be strictly timed to 60 minutes. There will also be a report comparing the child’s score against the indicative scores required to gain entry to Grammar Schools in Essex, if requested.

Learn 11+ Online has undertaken extensive research into 11+ Exam papers produced by the CSSE for Maths and English from 1999 – 2017 (entry date) and other well known publications and compared the number of questions at various levels.Our findings on the difficulty level split of questions in the 11+ Exams were subsequently applied to the Learn 11+ online programme practice tests and full mock exams.

We are NOT affiliated in any way with the CSSE and we have not approached the CSSE to seek their endorsement for our ‘Hard Rating’ or anything else relating to our 11+ Online programme. We have further used our own materials and taken appropriate written legal advice to ensure that the parents and children may enjoy a fruitful experience on their programme

There are different packages for both year groups. The difficulty level available at each year group and ratio of question levels vary significantly between the year groups. In addition, there will be no mock exams for year 4, this is only available for year 5 students and is included in the monthly package price

No. As explained all historical test taken are recorded against the child and the system will always select different questions. In year 5 the child will also be completing tests at a higher difficulty level than year 4.

We have analysed the scores that have been obtained for entry for the last 4 years, and our practice tests and full mock exams have been developed on a similar difficulty level. The scores vary from year to year. For example, the average score of 300 may equate to a banding range of anywhere between 55-65% for Southend schools. Therefore, the scores obtained by a child must only be used a guide as a child in one year may obtain a place with 55% and another year may require 65%. However, we believe that our Full Mock Exams will allow parents to make their own informed decisions.

We are currently concentrating in delivering this programme online.

Yes. It means you will either extend or decrease the number of weeks for practice tests because there will be a fixed date for Mock Exams for year 5 children. Please refer to the pricing plans for more details on the home page.

Please complete the ‘Contact us’ form on the home page and we will respond to your query at our earliest convenience.